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TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU: the best SaaS content marketing funnel explained

Whether you decide to create content for your own personal brand or your company account on social media, the best way to do it is to implement a content marketing funnel into your strategy.
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Top 15 SaaS Social Media Trends in 2024

In the rapidly evolving SaaS industry, staying ahead is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. To help you navigate the ever-changing industry, below are the top 15 SaaS social media trends to follow in 2024. These trends encompass various strategies—from social SEO and community building to user-generated content and videos.
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Personal branding for SaaS founders: How to connect it with your business

Having a personal brand is one of the best things you can do as a SaaS founder to put your brand ahead of competitors. But how to incorporate your personal brand into your SaaS business marketing strategy?
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12 ways to add personality to your social media content

A lot of companies create boring content. They tend to create templated carousels or share their updates, but people rarely resonate with such content. It’s because this content lacks personality. Here are 12 ideas on how you can add personality to your brand content.
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